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Saturday, June 07, 2008



Wow some of those are unreal. Wonder what makes someone want to do something like that... what meaning is behind it, etc...

Those coords that Angelina Jolie have on her arm are cool though... something that I'd consider for myself.


here is mine

i'm a cartographer, its the US interstate system (not done yet!)

Nick Benson

I'm the owner of the "Hawaiian Hymen." Your analysis, while interesting, overlooks the fact that I got my degree in geography, enjoy making maps, have a lifelong fondness of traveling, and absolutely love Hawaii. The red color is used because it's my mother's favorite color, and she organized our first family trip to Hawaii. I could have gotten a depiction of some indigenous Hawaiian species, but it wouldn't have meant as much to me.

I should also mention that it was my wife (again with the possession), not girlfriend, who got the flower tattoo.


thanks for the correction, nick!


Wow! Great pieces. I would have never thought about using a map as tattoo art.

Peter Towler

I like the world map in the top pic. Checking out central Africa could be quite interesting!! Great post BTW.

Tattoo Kits

Wow - you really have found agreat collection of map tattoos here! :-D

Tattoo Kits

I have a map of Australia tattoo as well - however I have the southern cross flag not the Aussie flag with the Union jack in mine


Collection of jerks! LOL


This is by far the best one. http://matte0.altervista.org/immagini/asshole.jpeg


Real or not, the subway map is Washington, DC.


As a traveller, I love maps and whatever reminds me of travelling. I lived in five different countries and they were all meaningful to me, so I payed hommage to them by tattooing the geographical coordinates of the cities where I lived (and loved!).

tattoo me now

I think this type of thing is catching on especially among the college crowd. I work in a college town and see more and more tattoos of our state with a star positioned within the border to identify our location. These seem rather bland in comparison to some of the artwork shown above.


where is hawaii in the world map on Kevin Miles, Arts & Sciences senior tattoo?


Heres my map tattoo :-)


The world is extraordinary and that's why I got mine!

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  • The books one reads in childhood, and perhaps most of all the bad and good bad books, create in one's mind a sort of false map of the world, a series of fabulous countries into which one can retreat at odd moments throughout the rest of life, and which in some cases can survive a visit to the real countries which they are supposed to represent.
    -- George Orwell

    Geography and space are always gendered, always raced, always economical and always sexual. The textures that bind them together are daily re-written through a word, a gaze, a gesture.
    -- Irit Rogoff

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